Maggie Leu

Margaret Eveyln Leu, born September 18th, 2005.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Isle of Palms, 2008

We just returned from our annual Crowell reunion at IOP, and this year was really Maggie's first big week interacting with her cousins. She was non-stop all week long trying to keep up with all of them; chasing the birds on the beach, building sand castles, playing a part in the circus & puppet show, trips to the ice cream stand, swimming in the ocean & riding the boogie board, swinging on the hammock, riding 'blue air-pains' to get there, playing with croc-o-dial in the water...she was literally non-stop! She had a blast, and I am certain she is excited to return next year for lots more fun.

On our plane ride home yesterday I asked her what her favorite part of the weekend was, and she replied 'catching the crabs with my cousins, but it didn't pinch me Mommy...we don't pinch or hit or bite, but crabs pinch...he pinched Uncle Dave.'

And then when we woke up this morning I asked her to tell me 'another favorite part,' and she replied 'My favorite part was Bibies (Olivia) and her polka-dot swimsuit.'

We took Maggie to her FIRST movie...An American Girl

and then to her 2nd...Wall-E (where she fell asleep 1/2 through it)

I think if you were to ask Maggie what her movie highlight was, it would be the popcorn & mini M&Ms!

The entire Crowell clan

Catching crabs with Uncle Dave (a HUGE highlight!!!)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

4th of July in Tahoe

We spent the 4th of July weekend up in Tahoe with the Katzin's and it was all sorts of F-U-N...especially for Maggie. She roller skated for the first time - and lemme tell you, watching those little stick legs try to balance on heavy skates was PRICELESS. She even looked the part with her headband & mini skirt!

We rode the 'gone-go-la' to the top of the mountain for a picnic where we hung in the sky swinging on the biggest swing of her life, aka the gondola...

I think one of my most favorite moments was after a long disappearance & spell of silence from Maggie she emerged (after being all cleaned up in the tub) with what seemed to be the entire tube of sunscreen LATHERED all over her face. She walked out all serious and I took one loooooong silent look at her, and she then responded, 'I'm sorry mommy.'

Oh, and let me not forget to mention that Joel taught her how to play her first video game - Katamari. The best, and most laughable moment from me, was when the 2 of them were found bickering over whose turn it was to play!

And as the crow flies, we are 2 for 2 on vacations this year with Maggie getting sick. She woke in the middle of the last nite there throwing up. She caught some stomach bug & couldn't make it to her brother's baptism. Lets cross our fingers for our beach trip coming up....

And I cannot not tag in with a CLASSIC Maggie comment! Charlie was getting a little naked time, and Maggie came across him laying there and kinda stopped in her tracks...looked at him for a minute & then said 'hey, look. he has a bunny.' :)

Maggie's Puppet show with Daddy

Wearing Daddy's glasses

Aunt Chris just a few weeks from having her baby!!!