Maggie Leu

Margaret Eveyln Leu, born September 18th, 2005.

Monday, July 03, 2006

4th of july weekend fun

it started off with joel throwing me a surprise party for my birthday... although i was on to him from the beginning! dinner at bacar & drinks and dj music at luna lounge, all while maggie was fast asleep.

then it was off to the fillmore jazz festival with maggie, followed by a bbq at kim & ken's house, with maggie's girlfriend merrin! (and of course lexi & pat).

sunday we (maggie & i, while dad worked) ventured over to stern grove to experience a little more music. it's this WONDERFUL outdoor free music festival every sunday during the summer. maggie & i danced to a

  • new orleans brass band
  • popped bubbles our neighbor kept blowing & played in the grass.

    on monday i took maggie to her FIRST swim lesson. i have had her in the pool since she was 3 months old, but this was the first actual lesson. now, when i say lesson it's more like singing & dancing in the pool. she LOVED it!

    we headed over to visit joel at his new job, SO happy to see him in a new & healthy atmosphere.

    and finally.... the FOURTH OF JULY, maggie's first. although she was fast asleep during the fireworks! maybe next year.


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