Maggie Leu

Margaret Eveyln Leu, born September 18th, 2005.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Her First Steps

It's been brewing, those first few steps. One here, a few there. It certainly wasn't what I thought, that she would take her first steps & then just take off. She still favors crawling because it gets her 'there' faster. But, with every new day she is gaining balance & ground on two feet. I happen to catch her on video during her first time with more than 3 steps.

What still amazes me is that she is almost unphased by it. You clap & praise her, and it almost washes over her. Of course she loves the excitement, but I am not sure she understands that walking is a BIG BIG BIG thing! I mean, in less than one year she went from squishy, rolling, sitting, standing, cruising & now walking. That's HUGE!

enjoy the show!!!


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