Maggie Leu

Margaret Eveyln Leu, born September 18th, 2005.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

first TEN words.

MOM (pronounced MOM MA MA) - first heard during those moments when she was in need of comforting and always big hugs.

DAD (pronouned DA DA) - started saying & pointing to Joel with excitement...still does.

BYE BYE (pronouned BA BA)- accompanied by the double self wave (the classic backwards wave). She has gotten so good at bye bye that now it's a matter of how loud can she say it!

BIRD (pronounced BRD BRRR BRD) - loves the birds painted in her room... and trickled throughout the house, and then some! first heard the day she turned 11 months.

BALL (pronounced BA, in a soft girlie voice) - she chases her bubble gum pink ball around, and squeals at the balls that pop out of her 'ball popper' toy.

HI (pronounced HI-YAH) - with a single wave & very happily, she will give you a good solid hi with that big grin.

BUBBLE (pronounced BUB BA) - bubbles in the bath, blowing bubble in the back yard... loves 'em.

MORE (pronounced Ma Mar) - finally! we can communicate whether she likes it or not. but she has picked up 'ummmmm' when she likes it, so we've managed.

HI GUYS (pronounced HI GSHUYS) - this just absolutely kills me each and every time she says it. i melt a little bit more everytime.

BUS (pronounced BAAP BAAAP - as in beep beep) - she calls out all the buses when we are driving, and at times the trucks too. So there is a lot of beep beep goin' on while we are driving around.

...and there are so many more on the horizon. Daily she is learning new sounds & I know she is communicating words with me, but it takes awhile to pick it up. Hard to believe she will be talking in short sentences by the time she is two.


At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the "hi gshuys" and oh my gosh is it the most addorable thing in the world!! yay maggie!


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