Maggie's First Day of PRESCHOOL!!!!
Maggie started preschool at the Crayonbox, and she is loving it! The school is a Spanish immersed, art based program so she is going to quickly surpass my limited Spanish speaking abilities (and most likely I will be in trouble later down the road) and hopefully quickly become the Picasso we always thought she would be!!! She adores her teachers Nena, Monica, and Yolanda...and is hanging with all her new classmates.
I still cannot grasp how she so easily & quickly learned to nap on a mat with TEN other kids in the room...I swear that has been my two year challenge!!! and I am still in a bit of a haze over the fact that Maggie is ALL GROWN UP and off to preschool!!!!
Oh wait, did I mention the uniform? Yeah, khaki pants & a navy top...
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