Maggie Leu

Margaret Eveyln Leu, born September 18th, 2005.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The naked exit...

Maggie, Charlie & I had dinner with Charley, Lola & Vivi the other nite...and after dinner we tossed all the girls in the tub together.

Maggie hit her daily capacity as she exited the tub and INSISTED she not wear any pj's home. She wanted to go naked. So I let her. I laughed the whole way home as she walked out the front door in just shoes (bless the neighbors who might have seen her!), as she struggled with the cold car seat buckles on her naked-ness, and as she scurried into the house. It was a COLD nite...and Maggie is a TWIG, not much meat on them bones to keep her insulated.

Charlie & I while Maggie was in the tub.


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