Maggie Leu

Margaret Eveyln Leu, born September 18th, 2005.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

A fleeting moment.

This morning I found myself looking at Maggie and thinking...ok, time to cut that hair. It's constantly in her face and entirely too gnarly from all the food it finds itself visiting through out the day. She just HATES to have it brushed. It's a constant negotiation. And as we all know, you only have so many negotiations a day.

So, why not chop it off today? Maggie was game, and I was in the mood to be somewhat spontaneous. Strolled on up to SUPERCUTS, 1 hair cut please! 20 bucks and whala...

I have to say, I think you do kinda get what you pay for...the hair stylist was a bit more liberal on how much she took off vs. what I had intended. But hey, it's summer & it will grow.

I think she looks older now, and perhaps I already knew that but was looking for a bit more validation.




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