things that make Maggie absolutely light up as she heads into her second year:
1. blueberries. blueberries. and more blueberries. she cannot eat them fast enough, and she can never seem to have enough.
2. the sound of daddy crawling out of bed in the morning. the sound of daddy's keys in the front door. the slight mention of 'daddy' makes maggie just light up!
3. the sight of her bottle when she first wakes up in the morning. or when she is unwinding at night. she gets really giddy.
4. the remote control, my cell phone, my wallet & keys. if that's all that was in her toy box, she'd be happy as a clam.
5. simba & jasper, our kitties. maggie has always loved the cats and, slowly she has learned to pet (more like pat) them in a very gentle way. as of recently she literally squeals at the mere sight of them. she just gets CRAZY, it's as if she communicates to them... and they just lay there waiting for her to give them a little lovin'.
6. her book noisy farm. this book was a gift from bob & charley last thanksgiving, and it remains to be her #1 FAVORITE book!
7. miss socal butterfly LOVES to walk into a room with other babies or toddlers. she LOVES people her size & will start to squeek with delight. definitely a social side to maggie!
8. she loves to accessorize. she will put her arm through bracelets, straps, hair bands, etc., as if she is putting it on. she can do this for a longtime and be so content. oh, and she loves her sunglasses. dare i say she might be a lady of shopping?!?

9. loves her swing on the back porch. she waves to the lemons on the tree, sings to the cats & blissfully sits and watches the wind through the tress.
10. and that brings me to #10. the park. everything about the park makes maggie light up!