Approaching One.
These last few days I have been flooded with thoughts about what life was like a year ago. Big & very unncomfortable, and nervous with anticipation of who was about to rock my world. And she has certainly rocked my world, more than I could have ever imagined. My life feels complete with Maggie.
As she approaches her one year birthday, she continues to excel. FOUR teeth are popping through, her range of emotions are growing, and she is very quickly gaining ground with her new pre-walking moves. She seems to be days away from walking. Her hair is getting longer & she had her first spell of bed hair yesterday. She might just have my baby hair; light brown & thin with little ringlets at the end. I hope so!
She is loving the kitties & has a gentle way with them. She pats their backs & rests her head on them for little hugs. They keep her entertained & distracted when a good distraction is needed.
Whenever one of her toys sounds off she will start to dance, boppin' her head up & down. I melt when she does it & purposely search through her toys for the music to get a little groove time out of her.
And my new favorite, she just found that her finger fits in her nose!
These are the glory days, that's for certain. My little baby isn't such a baby anymore...but she will always be my baby.