Maggie Leu

Margaret Eveyln Leu, born September 18th, 2005.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Maggie's First Day of PRESCHOOL!!!!

Maggie started preschool at the Crayonbox, and she is loving it! The school is a Spanish immersed, art based program so she is going to quickly surpass my limited Spanish speaking abilities (and most likely I will be in trouble later down the road) and hopefully quickly become the Picasso we always thought she would be!!! She adores her teachers Nena, Monica, and Yolanda...and is hanging with all her new classmates.

I still cannot grasp how she so easily & quickly learned to nap on a mat with TEN other kids in the room...I swear that has been my two year challenge!!! and I am still in a bit of a haze over the fact that Maggie is ALL GROWN UP and off to preschool!!!!

Oh wait, did I mention the uniform? Yeah, khaki pants & a navy top...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Deedo. DEEEdo. DEEEEEDO!!!

Maggie loves her Guido Jack, otherwise widely known as 'Deedo' these days. She talks about him A L L the time, especially about their rides on the carousel in the Golden Gate Park. 'Horsie. Deedo! Up. Down. Up. Down.' You mention his name in the morning, and she doesn't stop looking for him til we meet up. Just a girl looking for her good buddy.

One of my most treasured moments is watching Guido & Maggie sit in the backseat of the car cracking eachother up. It's pretty dang cool to have watched these two grow up together, and then to finally see them interact...and to make eachother laugh. I could watch that ALL day and never tire of it!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just Another Saturday

Ok. Today was AWESOME! and it was Maggie who more or less pointed the day in the direction I suppose it was suppose to go. We started at the Farmers Market where Maggie picked herself up a brand new green (geeeen) watering can from our favorite store the Gardener. From there I was inspired to pick up a few new plants, and of course had to get a raspberry bush! I remember growing up & just itching to pick those ripe raspberries in my mom's garden. And home to plant, and most importantly water with that brand new GEEEEEN watering can!!!!!

I'd love to say this is just another Saturday...but living in a city always proves to keep us more than busy. It feels like it takes quiet an effort to just sit still & enjoy a sunny afternoon together. Although it's days like this that make you hunger for more. So hopefully next Saturday will be 'just another Saturday!'

But for now, we are off to get a bike seat attachment for my bike so we can meander around town. First stop on the bike... ICE CREAM CONES!!!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Bellie Ache

I just got back from 4 days in NYC with Joel (Maggie stayed home with her buddy NiNi for the weekend) & was really craving some alone time with my sweet little Maggie. Chenery Park has a kid's nite on Tuesdays, and it was just calling us this evening..that and my jet legged self was just itching for someone else to make us dinner.

As we headed out Maggie was holding her bellie & kinda whining about it so I figured she was hungry. But just before dinner she got really sad & melted in my arms. We rocked together as we waited for dinner to arrive. A little pasta helped settle her bellie, and I felt a bit more settled with my desire for just wanting to snuggle with her by being her booster chair during dinner.

I have to say, at times I am rendered speechless by Maggie. All that she can suddenly say, all that she can feel & certainly all the ways she can express it. I had no idea she would be as advanced in thought, understanding & actions as she is before the age of 2. I suppose if you've never been through it, you would never know...but I understand where every parent thinks their child is just the smartest, the best & the 'MOST' of everything out there. I certainly see Maggie as all that and way more!